We know that many companies rely on several vendors in order to assist them with their group insurance and employee benefit needs. In fact, many companies have even chosen to work with a single payroll company or an employee leasing company expecting to get a better deal, only to find out that they were hoodwinked by a clever marketing scheme that can't deliver and is ultimately very costly.
Medical Benefits

Successful Solutions works with all carriers and has very creative ways of controlling costs.
Dental Benefits

Successful Solutions works with many carriers to maximize this benefit for your employees
Life Insurance

Security for your family in the event the unexpected occurs. There are several types of Life and insurance. We can review your individual needs and make an appropriate recommmendation.
Disabililty Insurance

California State disability provides up to 55% of your income. Some of us find it difficult to live on our current incomes less known 55% of our current earnings. Disability insurance can help make up that difference.
Human Resource Services

Successful Solutions works with Synergy partner Efficient Edge to provide Human Resource services at a competitive cost.
Supplemental Insurance
Supplemental insurance is extra or additional insurance that you can purchase to help you pay for services and out-of-pocket expenses that your regular insurance does not cover.