Successful Solutions allows each employer to set their own budget and determine what benefits to offer. Freedom of choice for plan participants, on-site enrollment meetings for new participants and twenty-four hour emergency service are the benefits available to Successful Solutions clients at no charge. Our goal is to work with you to develop a proficient, cost-effective and results-oriented program that will meet both your current and future needs.
401(k) plans can be a powerful tool, providing benefits to employees and their employers.
A well-designed 401(k) plan can help attract and keep talented employees.
Property/casualty insurance is insurance on homes, cars, and businesses. Technically, property insurance protects a person or business with an interest in physical property against its loss or the loss of its income-producing abilities. Casualty insurance mainly protects a person or business against legal liability for losses caused by injury to other people or damage to the property of others.
Successful Solutions works with Synergy partner Efficient Edge to provide Human Resource services at a competitive cost.
Employee manual updates and HR Consulting at a special reduced rate just for SDTA members.
Successful Solutions realized long ago that the sum is always equal to the various parts. We decided to provide our clients with the very best value and created our insurance concierge service. Our hand-picked, synergy partners are the very best in the insurance industry.